It's getting kinda boring stuck in this cramped space they've got me in. Imagine that your squished up into a garbage bag, now imagine that someone pokes you to try and get you to turn round! Well that's exactly what happened to me today when I went for another ultrasound. Here I am at 13.5 weeks, the nurse said I was 14.5 weeks because I'm so big.
In 4 to 6 weeks I'll be revealing my gender! So stay tuned.
High five!
A lot has happened since I last wrote to you, I've been on my first holiday! I guess my parents are doing all this cool stuff because they'll be spending all their money on me when I arrive. So for Christmas we all went to Scotland to see my dad's family. I got to hear the rain for the first time and then every day for the rest of the holiday.
The other big news is that I've finally got some fingers! It will make life a lot easier. I'm officially 9 weeks old and my gender has been decided, however I'm not telling my parents for a couple of months. You can vote on the side if you think I'll be a boy or a girl.
Although my parents have certain ideas about what kind of foods I like and what is going to make me healthy, I have other ideas! Why should they get to decide everything that I'm fed, it's like going into a restaurant and having someone from another table order what your going to eat for that meal. So, from now on there are going to be new rules, out with tuna, spinach and curry; and in with mandarins, I imagine soon I'll want ice cream too.
Apparently I'm stuck in a womb, I guess they can't pronounce room or something. I'm making more space so I can make my room more livable, and unfortunately this seems to be having an adverse effect on my mum's bladder, which she seems to be emptying on a frequent basis.
So I guess I was a secret up until today, and now it seems that I'm a hot topic. Everyone is talking about me, I'm not really sure what all the fuss is about and I don't even know any of these people!
I've started to make my mum feel sick in the evening, apart from that every thing seems to be going fine.